Recently someone gifted me these words about our photo shoot “it didn’t feel I was in a photoshoot”, this inspired me to create this blog.
For me, it's crucially important that each photo shoot experience IS IN FACT AN EXPERIENCE ✨
Planned creative ideas, intention settings, the epic location, the guided meditations, the organic conversations, to the random sporadic things that JUST HAPPEN when you STAY OPEN to them 🙌
There's so much one can learn from any craft, sport, conversation, but the REAL TRANSFORMATION, is when WE TAKE IT HOME!! What do I mean with this? You can go to AS MANY: ayahuasca ceremonies, empowerment photo shoots, never skip a Sunday Mass, read all the self development books, but if you don't put them into practice IN THE REAL JUNGLE, it will never alchemize into YOUR NEW PERSONALITY ✨
I try to never forget to remind my women, "Don't wait until it's a photo shoot for your to dress this way, move this way, dance this way through the fields, make every day a photo shoot day"
If your soul connected with this truth and would love to work with me and/or learn from my rituals, message me now, let's chat about all the ways we can MAKE MAGIC TOGETHER!